Claire Burgess’s Blog

Sudoku Crazy!

Posted in Claire Burgess, Fun, Media by Claire Burgess on October 14, 2008

Yesterday I FINALLY managed to complete my first ever Sudoku. Although it was only the easy one on the back of The Metro, it is something I have been trying to do since Christmas. I discovered Sudoku when I was on a plane which was delayed. The very kind Korean man sat next to me amused himself by teaching me all about the joys of the game. I just didn’t get it before. I could never manage a whole one without making a mistake, but now I’m an addict. I did another this morning and have now found the Sudoku heaven that is Web Sudoku. I feel like a GENIUS!

One for you to try

One for you to try

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Is Chivalry Dead?

Posted in Media, TV by Claire Burgess on October 8, 2008

I ask this question after much thought over the past few months and speared on by something I read in the metro this week.

This reminded me of a few weeks back when I was setting up and taking down the Gigbeth stall at Artsfest. I had so many boxes and bags as well as a TV and was really struggling to transport it all to and from my taxi, which refused to park any nearer to my stall. I wasn’t going that far but I am not ashamed to admit I am not too strong and would have gladly excepted some help from any of the passers by who just gorped at me. In the end, when I couldn’t go any furthur I resorted to asking two men smoking outside a pub if they would help me the last 100yards. They begrudingly helped.

So I ask, whatever you think of Russell Brand, is he one of the only true Gents left? Is chivalry dead? Or have men just decided that in this modern world of political correctness, they best not offer to help for fear of getting there heads bitten off?